Homeowners and Contractors

Safe, Simple, and Secure Permitting and Inspection for Your Projects

Whether it’s building a new home or business, re-roofing a structure, adding a deck, or finishing a basement,
ProCode Inc. is committed to helping you smoothly and successfully complete your code-compliant project.

Additional Resources

The following links may also be helpful to you as you begin the permitting process.

Upload Documents

Please select your community to upload any required documents via the Cascade portal or local municipal building page as part of your application process.

Request an Inspection

To request and schedule an inspection, please log in to your Cascade portal. If your community does not offer Cascade, be sure to check your local municipal building and permitting department web page for instructions.

For instructions on how to request an inspection via Cascade, click here.


Please visit our resources page or contact us and a ProCode representative will be in touch promptly.